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RFID Silicone wristbands size:

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Sample pictureNumber Size
rfid wristband gj001GJ001rfid wristband size GJ001
rfid wristbands size gj002GJ002rfid wristbands size gj002
GJ003rfid wristband size
RFID WRISTBANDGJ004rfid wristband size
rfid Insert card wristbandGJ005
rfid silicone wristbandGJ007rfid silicone wristband size
rfid wristbandGJ008RFID WRSIT BAND
rfid wristbandGJ009RFID WRSIT BAND
rfid silicone wristbandGJ010
rfid wristbandGJ011RFID WRISTBAND SIZE
rfid silicone wristbandsGJ012
rfid silicone wristbandGJ013size

RFID Silicone wristbands craft:

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